A2 Short film

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Diary entry in film

I miss you so much and i know mum does too. She just shows it differently. The other day i told her one of those jokes from that joke book you got me and she just stared, she didn't even crese the corners of her lips. I know i shouldn't say this, but when you left us mum went with you. I feel so alone Dad. Anyway going to be late for school if i write anymore. Talk to you soon.
Bye dad.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Prop list

We all configured a list of what was needed in our film in each scene. We then contributed £5 each in order for us to be able to purchase the items required in our film. Then one of the members in my group went out to buy all the items that we needed.
Scene one:
  • Bouquet of flowers
Scene Two:
  • Cardboard box
  • Men shirts
  • Textbook
  • Notepad
  • Stationary
  • Bottle of wine
Scene Three:
  • Hoover
  • Shoes
  • Shirt
  • Diary
Scene Four:
  • Knife
  • Keys
  • Mail
  • Cake
  • Candles
  • Presents

Monday 21 November 2011

Film review

This is what my review looked like when I
first start

I chose this magazine due to its energetic and charismatic focused writing style. I particularly love the way in which they were able to draw the reader, while cleverly analysing a film for both its technical appearance as well as the narrative of the film. Out of all the reviews I researched this was the review I felt was similar to my writing style. I liked the way they engaged the reader and the way they made the reader feel comfortable reading their magazine even if they knew nothing about films.

While creating my own version of a film review from Screen I found it particularly difficult to get the right text. I had to go through the entire list of texts on word in order for me to be able to find a font that was similar; I’m still not happy with the font I chose(Times new roman), but I think it was close. I couldn’t quite get the pattern of the grey text used for ‘The verdict’ in the magazine. I decided in the end to use normal grey font to enable me to focus on other aspects of the film review. I decided to pick an image of the two characters holding hands seeming as I felt that it summed up my review very well due to the fact that I talked about the relationship between the characters Sarah and max a lot. I think the layout the magazine had wasn’t too difficult to replicate to an armature level. I also liked the layouts natural simplicity seeming as it made the review seem more friendly.

I believed I followed the codes and conventions of a film magazine to the best of my abilities. Due to my limited supply of word programmes I don’t believe my magazine looked exactly like the real magazine, but it was very close; especially considering my armature abilities and software. In the end I was quite happy with the final version of my film review. I thought of any extra little bits that could possibly be added to a film review e.g. the date of the film review in order to ensure that my review looked as realistic as possible. This was made especially difficult due to the limited amount of time I had to finish the film review. All in all I think the film review was a success. 

Monday 14 November 2011

Total film magazine analysis

The language they used is quite free flowing and it’s like they really do understand everything there is to know about films. They speak in third person as well in order to engage the reader. They also assume that the people reading the magazine have read it before hand. They also input their own opinion into the review subtly, so that they don’t completely sway the reader away from the film.They also use the names of actors with the assumption that their readers will know who they are. They also include all the infomation of the film including the films running time ect.

Total film magazine has a boxed layout that is very neat and it makes the review look like it has a lot of information to read about. This magazine used the review to advertise the ‘Lord of the Rings’ first film coming out on DVD. I think the magazines USP is having the actual comments of actors and co-producers on the side. They don’t just talk about how good the film is; they also talk about how difficult it was to do different stunts ect, which is more interesting, seeming as it’s something that most people won’t know. The main picture on the review is extremely big, so it takes up most of the page. The picture they used is tilted so it catches the readers attention because it’s a distorted image, so it’s more interesting to look at. There are extra snapshots of the movie on the right-hand side next to the actors and co-producers comments, so that you can visually see what they were talking about. The slogan underneath the title is very strait to the point. The slogan also uses triple emphasis “fight, fight, fight” in order for it to be more catchy and this way its easier for the reader to remember. It also suits the short and snappy style of a film magazine. They also make up words that they think will suit there magazine e.g. “net-jerk-o-vision”. It sounds trendy and it’s new so it entices the reader more.