A2 Short film

Thursday 16 June 2011

Ferris Bueller's day off

I tried to predict what would happen next after watching 10mins of the film 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'' in order to familiarise myself with the concepts in blockbuster films that are predictable e.g. in romantic films the main characters in the film fall in love again by the end. This exercise allowed me to come up with more original ideas.
I think the Dean of all students will try to hunt down Ferris. He looks like an uptight man who takes his job very seriously. This idea is supported by the fact that he wears grey, which is quite a boring and dull colour. When the days that Ferris has been absent drops from 9 to 2 we see a close-up of his eyes popping; he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack. After this he starts shouting. He is represented as a man who thinks that kids are a menace to society and wants them to all be structured and regimented. Ferris stands for everything he’s against; which is the laid back approach and fun way to live life. The fact that the Dean is automatically on Ferris’s case shows us that Ferris is a constant rule breaking offender and it’s a constant battle between Ferris and the dean. I think due to Ferris’s ability to plan things and fool people strategically in order for him to be lazy he will continue having days off. I think however that he will attempt to take advantage of the days off a lot more and involve the friend that he called in his shenanigans. It generally cuts really quickly to the outside setting of trees and clouds in contrast to grey dullness of a classroom. Ferris’s bedroom is also quite messy and filled with fun stuff like a baseball glove and he chooses to spend his day outside instead sipping a drink under a beach umbrella instead of playing video games indoors.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Evaluation of opening sequence

As opening sequence evaluationThis power point is basically an in-depth analysis of what I learnt from my as main task of creating an opening sequence for a real film. This helped me to understand what mistakes I made in the past in order for me to not make them again.
View more presentations from fajobiabi.

Monday 13 June 2011

Rite of passage music

This is a song that I thought best displayed the emotions of the topic 'Rites of Passage'. Our aim is to make our film 'pull at heart strings, which is what this song does. It makes you feel sad and reflect on life. The song is also quite dramatic, which is what I want our film to be like.

Rite of passage monologue

This is a monologue I made about an event either in my life or about someone/something else. I did this in order to explore the topic 'Rites of Passage'. This was the topic that we had to base our films on. This task allowed me to really dig deep and think about the different feelings and possible ideas that surround this topic e.g. sadness.

Why oh why? God? God? No!No! Stop!
I was told once indeed I was told,
Bad things happenn to good people she said.
Only now do I realise ;now that I’m stuck in despair….
On this poisonous rite of passage

To love, to dream, to be,
Were once part of my future, but now are parts of my past.
Why is it so difficult to be like a plant in a field,
Moving freely where the wind takes it.
The life of flowers how I envy you.

Why must I be among humans,
when I can walk among the dead.
My life now; a bed!
Sitting silently waiting for a death that’s already half way there.
More pain comes to me day by day as I age,

Still in this position
half dead!

The worst part is feeling like there's no one to turn to,
no one who knows your pain around you
no one who could possibly feel your suffering
no one.........

There's no way out for me; just an empty black room
for my mind to return to
With the darkness comes loneliness
a road I must wallow in myself-
sometimes I can't help but wonder
what if it wasn't me
What if I had just missed it then where would I be
I would've finished Uni by now, maybe a family with kids
my whole life ahead of me

Why cant I be stronger! Sun give me strength!
Why won't you give me strength?
Now that my eyes are full of tears
I can only think of what could have been instead of being grateful for what is

I have lost the will to live if you can call it that
It's times like these when the secret question comes
Am I living If I feel like I'm dead?

you brought me into to this world
you bought me hear to suffer!
you laugh at me behind my back
you shin your evil rays to a place where I can't escape

Everything I touch burns
Everything I feel makes me even colder
Everything I see only strengthens my rage

4 years already
somewhere along the line I lost myself
I wish I had the guts to shake hands with death
a little bit sooner

Soon you'll forget me
Soon I'll forget me
I think even heavens forgotten me
Once you've walked with the devil for so long; how do you find your way back
Why won't you give me strength? When I have no strength of my own!