A2 Short film

Friday 29 July 2011


These paintings relate to our film idea in some shape or form. I did this in order to see how our film could be transformed into different forms of media and also in order for me to get some new idea's for our film.

I think the painting is about a young women or girl creating a world in which she is in control. She is seeing the world in the way she wishes it to be just like how children see the world in the way they wish it to be or in a different light. The fact that she is wearing white represents her as quite an innocent/pure girl, which is what children are said to be. The background is partly baby pink, which is a colour associated with little girls. The costume she is wearing is flows like a princess gown, which adds to the innocence and the idea of her still being a child. Although the girl in the painting appears to be innocent her facial expressions suggest otherwise. She looks stern and controlling due to her stance. Perhaps she is furious with e way her life is, so she got angry and changed it. This could explain why the colour green in the background seems to be dripping. It is also possible that the image is showing the viewer how although the young girl is making her own world the real world still manages to creep in. This is supported by the green in the background and also the low-key lighting in the background. Maybe the artist was trying to create a painting of the world through the perspective of a child.

This painting is called Cosmic composition by Paul Klee. The layout is quite distorted and boxed. It looks like a childish painting due to the objects drawn e.g. a house. It also looks like some of the objec ts in the painting were drawn with chalk. I think the painting is about how a child sees the world. The bright colours used and the fact that the painting looks like it’s at night time makes  objects like the sun in the painting look like a firework. I think this represents all the possibilities of the world and the dream to soar to new heights and discover new things. The child sees the beauty of life and in its possibilities in a world that’s been kept in the dark. The objects in the painting are trees, houses, moons and a sun that make up a typical street more or less. It’s such a simple painting but yet it looks so beautiful and full of possibilities. 

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Character interviews

Character interviews
This is an interview I made up with characters from films in order to get an insight into what their character is like. I made up the questions and answers. This task helped me to think about how in-depth my character/character profiles needed to be.

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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Diary entry 1

 Diary entry's on link https://penzu.com/p/5bd41946

Cinema Paradisco

There is a mid-shot of the main character as an old man looking at a movie that I think he made. His facial expression is sad because he misses the girl that he loves. There is also a close-up of the younger him kissing the girl he loves as a projection on a wall. When the older him is watching the movie of his love he is in a dark low-key lighting room. The only light that is visible is the one coming from the project of his love and he is on his own. I think that the main character has broken up inside ever since the girl he loved went away. I think his love for film got destroyed when she went away and he was only able to concentrate on that one film he made of her because it makes him feel closer to her. She is the light out of his darkness.

The music is quite romantic because it’s classical and it has violins in it witch is the type of music that is stereotypically romantic, which sets the mood. At this point the music resembled happy first love. When the lighting and thunder strikes the music becomes more dramatic, louder and passionate. It is only after the music changes that we see the older versions of the two main characters. This suggests that as well as a first love the characters also experience there first break-up. The fact that the romantic music become more passionate instead of dying hints at the fact that the couple never actually get over there first love and continue to search for each other.

There’s a shot reverse shot of the couple kissing and then lighting then back to the couple kissing in the rain. Rain in this instance could symbolise love and kissing in the rain is a scene used in many movies in order for a kiss to be more romantic. We can tell due to the couples intimate kisses that they are deeply in love with each other.

The trailer allows us to see the couple grow from a young age and slowly start to fall in love with each other only to be driven apart. We can tell it’s the couples first love because it’s the same couple that the camera allow us to see and we don’t see any other lover with that couple. This is in complete contrast to the Spanish film because it is clear that both of the brothers are in love with the girl e.g. there is a long shot of both of them dancing with her in a provocative manner. This love that was established isn’t a first love because originally in the clip we only saw the two brothers and we saw them kissing other girls. This love at the beginning wasn’t portrayed very romantically and it seemed meaningless in contrast to the love between the brothers and the girl they picked up on the way. Although it wasn’t the boy’s first girlfriend I think it was the girl’s first love, because it was the first one that actually meant something.

Little miss sunshine

The man with the black hair is seen constantly rolling his eyes and all the older characters seem to resent him e.g. when the little girl says the man is weird for being gay the grandpa say “well that’s one word for it”. The music is quite sad and it gets louder as we go deeper in the trailer, which suggests that the tension is rising within the family. Along with the music there’s a lot of arguing that goes on and some characters are interrupting other characters dialogue. This suggests that their family is a broken family. They could possibly all be going through their own rights of passage.
When the dad says “there was a message in the machine, something about little miss sunshine” the music becomes happy and it builds up all the way up until the little girl screams. After the scream the music that is played seems more fitting for a battle. During the new soundtrack there is a mid-shot of the grandpa and little girl growling. All of these suggest that the family are going to go on an adventure that is going to challenge them, which would be their rite of passage. The mid-shot of the girl jumping up and down and screaming suggest that her being in the beauty pageant is her own happy right of passage because to her it’s a life changing experience. It is only after the happy music starts that we start to see the family outside instead of being cooped up in their house and we start to see happy facial expressions. This suggests that the family’s rite of passage is going to help improve the family and make them happier.


Ellen Page (Juno) - ellen-page wallpaperHow does this film deal with this particular 'rite of passage'? Does anything surprise you about the way the film deals with teenage pregnancy? Why?

This film deals with it’s rite of passage in a comical light. This idea is supported by the fat that the soundtrack that plays is quite comical instead of dramatic and serious. This surprises me because I would generally expect this issue to be tackled with a more serious approach. Eve when Juno was telling her parents she was pregnant they seemed relaxed abut it and they were even having a conversation about how they expected her to tell them something other than she’s pregnant. I would have expected her parents to be furious because having a baby especially at a young age is a big deal. The character Juno seems like an average girl while the father of the baby Paul seems like a geek and an unlikely couple. People generally stereotype young girls who get pregnant to be w/c and sluttish, which is the type of character that is displayed in other films that have covered the same issue e.g. riding in cars with boys. Although the film has a comical approach to it; it’s evident that it does deal with teenage pregnancy in a serious manner sometimes e.g. we see a mid-shot of Juno crying in a car. I think a comical approach is used in this film in order for the audience to see pregnancy from Juno’s perspective. This makes the audience connect with Juno and her hardships more.

Research into films and directors

Thursday 7 July 2011

Film Comparison

Extraordinary blender

I took these pictures in order to tell the story of how m cousin is afraid of the blender in my kitchen. I decided to give the blender human characteristics enabling it to be able to move. The blender moves across the kitchen in order to get to the tangerine to devour it. I made the blender look extraordinary because it looks unusual due to the fact that it's taken on human characteristics.

Extraordinary photo's

I took these pictures with my digitally still camera. I took pictures of ordinary things in extraordinary ways or from perspectives that people wouldn't normally look at it from. This task helped me to think outside the box and approach one idea from different angles. This concept helped me make original stories for my film.

This is an image of some tools from a tool box

This is an image of an electric juicer

This is an image of some more tools

This is an image of a path in a park that seems to go on forver

This is an image of a boy staring out a window

This is an image of a boy moving a light

This is an image of a boy holding a light

The inside of a blender

inside of a washing machine 

The inside of a washing machine
Someone holding a light

Someone opening an oven

An image of someone reading The Bible

Wednesday 6 July 2011


These are real music video's that are related to the themes of our play e.g. grief. Underneath each music video's heirs a description of how it links to our film. This helped us look at how the themes of our film could be presented through different media forms.
Pink family portrait

I think this song links to my subject matter because it’s showing us the effects of a divorce from a child’s perspective. The child’s parents don’t even seem to realise how it’s affecting her. The song is about the younger version of a women teaching her older self to attempt being in a normal family instead of standing by and letting her family be destroyed. This video kind of teaches the audience that sometimes a child can make more sense than a parent due to the fact that the women’s older self didn’t want to listen to the child in the beginning. This music video also shows us how sometimes a child’s view of society can be simple and impractical e.g. not everyone who wants to get a divorce get back together again. A child can see the beauty of life, but they can’t always have it.