A2 Short film

Wednesday 6 July 2011


These are real music video's that are related to the themes of our play e.g. grief. Underneath each music video's heirs a description of how it links to our film. This helped us look at how the themes of our film could be presented through different media forms.
Pink family portrait

I think this song links to my subject matter because it’s showing us the effects of a divorce from a child’s perspective. The child’s parents don’t even seem to realise how it’s affecting her. The song is about the younger version of a women teaching her older self to attempt being in a normal family instead of standing by and letting her family be destroyed. This video kind of teaches the audience that sometimes a child can make more sense than a parent due to the fact that the women’s older self didn’t want to listen to the child in the beginning. This music video also shows us how sometimes a child’s view of society can be simple and impractical e.g. not everyone who wants to get a divorce get back together again. A child can see the beauty of life, but they can’t always have it.

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