A2 Short film

Monday 26 September 2011

Research into themes

Widow 'lost' without kind husband

Ernest Norton and wife Linda

The widow of a man who died after coming under a hail of stones and rocks hurled by boys
 said his death left her "lost, irritable and lonely".
Ernest Norton, 67, was playing cricket with his son
 at a leisure centre in Erith, south-east London,
when the pair were attacked by the youngsters -
 now aged between 12 and 14 - in February 2006.
Five boys have been sentenced at the Old Bailey to two
years' detention for killing Mr Norton who collapsed with
 a heart attack during the assault.
Linda Norton was at court with her son James,
daughter Gemma, son-in-law Wayne, and Gemma's eight-week-old daughter Ceinwen.
In the statement read out by Anthony Orchard, prosecuting, she described how she
had first met "Ernie" in 1968 and they married in 1975. He had been a "house husband"
since losing his job as a draughtsman shortly before the birth of Gemma in 1981. Their
son James was born in 1988. Describing the effect of her husband's death, she said:
"In 2006 life was flowing along lovely, everything was normal and you think it will
 never change. "Then bang, your life is turned upside down and you have to run
on automatic.

Ernie's death has affected our lives in so many ways, we are still trying to be normal and enjoy ourselves again but I don't think I ever will
Linda Norton, wife
This quote in particular relates to our character Sarah because it's like she lost a part of her life when she lost her husband. Just like Mrs Norton Sarah will never truly be able to go back to her normal self again, but Sarah has Max her son to help her out and get her to be close to normal. I think theis news articl truly does outline Sarah's grief and exactly how she feels. Sarah is quite a young parent, so I think she will be more upset than Linda becauseit could possibly be the first time someone really close to her has died. I can really feel the grief of the wife from this article. My group needs to make the audience feel sympathy for Sarah and Max in order for our film to work. Mrs Norton has reacted differently to how we want Sarah to act because she starts talking about how she had first met "Ernie" in 1968 and their marrige in 1975, so she remembers the good times. Sarah on the other hand wants to get rid of everything that would remind her of her husband in order to stop the pain.

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