A2 Short film

Monday 2 January 2012

How to be a camera operator

So I recently found out that I was going t be Camera women for my group. This means that I have to make sure I make up creative shots and take total shots on the actual day of filming.
My first step of attempting to be a good film maker meant that I had to make myself familiar with the script and storyboard, so attempted to remember important shots, so that wouldn’t have to keep on referring to the script on filming day.

The next step I took was researching tips on how to make creative and interesting shots. I went over the story board and identified places in the storyboard in which different shots could be added. I voiced my opinion on these shots and they agreed with some of them and they said some of them were good, but they didn’t understand the use of others e.g. I said that when Sarah walks into Max’s room it should be a point of view shot , but they said that “it was unnecessary”, however they did like my idea of a tilted frame during the graveyard scene.
I used this website in order to help me find and come up with good shots to use.

The third step I took was pitching our shots to the technician in the school with the director. He told us how we could take the creative shots that we wanted to take. He also informed of new equipment we could use e.g. tracks. Tracks would make panning a lot easier to do and much more smoother. He also told us to make sure that, while we were coming up with these shots we had to make sure that we could take our shots in the location that we had e.g. is it possible to take a shot under the bed even though there’s a cupboard obstructing the view. I took down notes of what he said in order to make sure that I remembered the different techniques I needed for specific shots e.g. I would have to use the manual mode on the camera for some of the shots.

Finally I attended a tutorial of how to use a camera that the technician was running during lesson. This gave me the opportunity to familiarise myself with the camera and actually see how I was meant to carry out some of the techniques I was doing. Now I was ready for filming.

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