A2 Short film

Friday 6 January 2012

The twist in the film

Idea one
We could show that she has changed after reading the diary by making her throw a party for son however leaving him alone once he has blown out the candles to again show that things are back to square one and that she can't quite put on a brave, happy face.

Idea two
We could show that she hasn't changed and instead kills herself, something you wouldn't expect as it's so drastic.

Idea three
We could show that she hasn't changed, and it seems that she is going to cut her wrists and  commit suicide however, she is instead attempting to cut her son's birthday cake.

We collected some audience feedback on each idea. Asking two questions:
1. Which idea would be most interesting and why?
2. Any suggestions of how we could then develop that idea?

Feedback one
" I think idea one is most interesting because its more realistic and becoming yourself is hard after losing someone so important and I think it's gradual. They could maybe talk and try to straighten things out at this point"

Feedback Two
" I love idea three! as we are given clues from the previous scene that it is the son's birthday but don't quite expect her to do anything for him, this makes it really good when we then see the birthday cake and realise she did make an effort. In terms of ways to improve and develop this you could maybe have the son walk away, almost thinking its too late"

Feedback Three
" Idea number three is more practical than idea number 2 as you don't have to show her killing herself or dead. However after reading the diary you can't show that she has changed or the last scene won't be as effective and we won't really believe she is killing herself "

By taking into consideration some feedback we received and group discussion we decided to choose idea three, however we now have to solve certain challenges that may arise, such as:
  • Not showing Sarah's immediate change whilst reading the diary.
  • Make sure Sarah acts as if she is going to kill herself and assist this with the correct sound.
  • Make sure it looks as if she is going to cut her wrist and is not going to cut a cake.

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